Friday, September 18, 2009

From what seemed like another life..

Working changes things, we all know that. Working in game development probably changes a lot more. The last few days i had a few strange things happen to me that helped me remember how different the life before i joined the hellish work place was. The day before i got home around 2:30 which was something that was beyond unusual. The only other time i got home around that time was when i had to attend a wedding at my last job. Now, as i walked to wards what was my home for the last 24 years I looked up. It had been raining off and on the last few days, but this particular day the sun was crisp as a cucumber, shining through the trees, creating perfect volumetric light and god rays against the dust of my small neighbourhood. It was kind of surreal that i realised i hadn't actually seen my house like this in years and was gripped by the urge to take a picture. Not only would i have looked stupid taking it, but it wouldn't have captured the essence of what i felt anyway. The only reason i did manage to get home so early was because the powers that be decreed that i did not need to stay anymore, considering i had spent the last night working. Truth be told they expected/told us to stay.
The work scenario repeats itself again. Only this time i had the good fortune to have a book with me (Princess, recommended, but not for the faint hearted). However this time i left later, around 4. As things would have it i hadn't slept in 36 hours and on my way back i got caught in a severe traffic jam. Luckily i had the rare luxury of a place to rest my derriere and read my book peacefully. A short while later i realised this was the first traffic jam i had been in in at least a year, in mumbai no less. However i was not inclined to walk inspite of the bus moving no more than 50ft in the last half an hour. However the gentleman (and i use the term very loosely) beside me released a scent, from an which orifice of his anatomy i cannot fathom, caused me to reconsider my resolve to read my little book till i got home even if it took an hour longer. Not that i was a bed of roses myself, as mentioned i had been at work for 36 hours. So i got away and walked until i was clear of traffic to take an autorickshaw home.

Life... Sucks.

The land and I are one.

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